Friday 28 Ramadan 1446 / 28 March 2025
عربي MOFA Call Center: 9200 1111 4

معلومات عن السفير

His Excellency Ambassador Dr. Khalid Ibrahim AL-JINDAN

مكان وتاريخ الميلاد 1950 Al-Ahsa - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
الحالة الاجتماعية  Married, 6 children
المؤهل العلمي 1980: Ph.D. in political Philosophy, Georgetown University, Washington (United States of America)
1973: Master of International Relations, American University of Beirut/Lebanon
1971: B.S. in political Science, American University of Beirut/Lebanon
الدورات التدريبية
خدماته 2017-2019: Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Saudi Arabia to Austria
2017-2019: Permanent Representative of Saudi Arabia to international organizations in Austria.
 2017-2019: Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Saudi Arabia to Slovenia and Slovakia.
2016-2017: Member of the Consultative Assembly of Saudi Arabia (Shura Council).
2008-2016 Under Secretary of the Minister of Foreign Affairs  for bilateral Relations.

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