​​"In the name of God, most Gracious, most Merciful,
Thanks to God who said in his holy book (of Quran) "Ramadan is the month in which was sent down The Qur’an, as a guide to mankind, also clear for (signs) for guidance and judgement (between right and wrong).
Prayer and Peace be upon our Prophet and Messenger, who was sent with the message of mercy to all people, He who said "Whoever fasts Ramadan out of faith and with the hope of reward, all his previous sins will be forgiven" and (Prayer and Peace be) upon his family, and all his companions.
Our sons, daughters, brothers and sisters in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, our Muslim brothers all over the world:
We congratulate you on the blessed month of Ramadan, the month of good, blessing, mercy and best morals, as the Prophet says "I was sent as messenger of Allah to complete the best of morals".
Brothers and Sisters,
We don’t need here to remind you of the merits and virtues of this blessed month as the Muslim and faithful souls could apprehend with their mental and insight perception, even before eye sighting the eternal meanings for whoever sought out of faith and with the hope of reward to gain the satisfaction of God, and win his mercy and forgiveness
We have been taught by the mission of Islam, and we have drawn lessons from the method of the leading generation of the Muslim Ummah and its blessed ancestors that Islam is the religion of love, tolerance and forgiveness. It is a message for building and peace and a method for dialogue not introversion and defeat, it is an effective contribution according to a partnership based on the principles of parity to enhance the meanings of higher human civilization and to promote the community of human principles according to the Quranic verse that says "Let there be no compulsion in religion: truth stands out clear from error". This is the criterion on which the Islamic mission was based as it trusts its values that rest in the voluntarily-not-forcibly-faithful hearts. This is summarized in the following Quranic verse "Don't transgress limits for Allah loveth not transgressors".
Graced by God to serve the two holy mosques and, having that honor, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, will never give room for exploiting the religion as a wear behind which extremists, frivolous and those who are eager to secure personal interests, to practice their flagrant and rejected interpretations, defaming the profile of the great Islam through their radical and extreme behavior. We see the following verse as a bright light in front of us "Invite (all) to the way of The Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching". With the strength of God and his mighty, our Islamic nation will remain until the day of resurrection to protect the home of Islam, and to guide for God's faithfulness, following the path of moderation and undertaking its responsibility and message towards our Islamic world and the humanity at large.
Brothers and Sisters:
We have been taught from clear texts and great intentions of our True Religion that Islam rejects sedition in the name of this trend or that, which is followed by parties and factions who dive in the deep bottoms of those trends' darkness, thinking, while in the midst of sedition, that they are right. But actually, they have missed the right path. All in all, we apprehend the globalization of Islam and the wideness of its umbrella away from the borrowed names and the invented terminologies and descriptions which only seek through its misleading methodology, to summarize this wide placard placed on the front of our humanitarian history to narrow meanings and dispersed paths. God has stated in his holy book of Quran that " It is he who has named you Muslims both before and in this (revelation)". Accordingly, the Kingdom (of Saudi Arabia) announces that it will absolutely not going to accept and by no means that someone in our country would come out riding the saddle or belonging to any party that has not been granted the God's mandate and which will lead to nothing but dispute and failure in accordance to the following verse "and fall into no disputes, lest ye lose heart and your power depart".
Dear brothers and sisters all over the world:
I ask God Almighty to guide us to the right path and inspire us with better guidance and wisdom and to help us against he whoever becomes deviant and hurts human beings. We also pray to God Almighty to get our brothers in the sister country of Syria to alleviate their sufferings, calling on the international community not to precede their political calculations over their ethical ones, and whoever does so, history will write that he participated in the killing of innocents and breaching the liberties of the people. We ask God to protect us and provide us with determination without hesitation as well as strength without weakness, for He is our Protector and our Supporter".