H.E The Ambassador of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to Greece Mr. Saleh Bin Mohammad Al- Ghamdi hosted a farewell party last week for the diplomats of the Embassy who have been included in this year’s list of transferred diplomats.


During the dinner party the Ambassador expressed his appreciation for the sincere efforts of those diplomats during their assignment in Greece and wished them all the best in their future professional life.



















The farewell party was attended by all the officials of the Embassy, and the Ambassador presented each one of the departing diplomats a shield that would remind them of the occasion and urged them to continue their contacts with their colleagues and friends in the Greek society during the quiet large of time spent in Greece.



















The departing diplomats from their side expressed their deepest appreciation to the Ambassador for his care and wise leadership and guidance he has given them for their future life which will help them to do their best towards their religion, their King and their country.