ممثلية المملكة العربية السعودية في النيجر Republic of Nigeria The Embassy Embassy News Embassy News Page Content Statement from The Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia, London In Response to BBC Panorama Programme of 22.11.2010The Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia, London does not and has not authorized the use of any discriminatory or objectionable educational materials and will take all appropriate steps to ...DetailsDéclaration de l’Agence de presse saoudienneUne source officielle saoudienne dément catégoriquement l’information parue sur le site électronique du journal le Figaro en date du 30/06/2010, selon laquelle le Gardien des deux ...DetailsDéclaration de l’Agence Saoudienne de PresseL’Arabie Saoudite a suivi les allégations publiées par certains médias britanniques et qui sont fondées principalement sur ...DetailsThe Saudi Ambassador visits the ‘1001 Inventions’ exhibition at the Science Museum in London“This marvelous Exhibition should travel to the four corners of the globe, including all Arab and Muslim countries” says ...DetailsStatement from The Royal Embassy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, LondonThere is absolutely no truth in allegations made against Saudi diplomats published in the Guardian on 23rd February, 2010 under the headline ‘Saudi and Emirati diplomats accused ...Details 1 2 3 4 5 ...