ممثلية المملكة العربية السعودية في تايلاند Kingdom of Thailand The Embassy Embassy News It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. Please turn on JavaScript and try again. It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. Please turn on JavaScript and try again. His Excellency The Chargé d’Affairs attended the celebration of the 90th anniversary of the establishment of ParliamentHis Excellency Mr. Essam bin Saleh Algetale, Chargé d’Affairs, ...DetailsHis Excellency The Chargé d’Affairs received His Excellency Mr. Saif bin Abdullah Al ShamsiHis Excellency Mr. Essam bin Saleh Algetale, Chargé d’Affairs, received ...DetailsHis Excellency The Chargé d’Affairs received His Excellency Mr. Issa bin Abdullah Al-AlawiHis Excellency Mr. Essam bin Saleh Algetale, Chargé d’Affairs, received His Excellency ...DetailsHis Excellency The Chargé d’Affairs met with His Excellency Mr. Cherdkiat AtthakorHis Excellency Mr. Essam bin Saleh Algetale, Chargé d’Affairs, met with His Excellency Mr. Cherdkiat ...DetailsHis Excellency The Chargé d’Affairs visited the Embassy of the Republic of LaosHis Excellency Mr. Essam bin Saleh Algetale, Chargé d’Affairs, ...Details 1 2 3 4 5 ...