Dear Citizen ... Here are these important instructions :

A one-month tourist residence visa can be obtained from the Uzbek embassies and consulates abroad, and those who wish to extend the residence visa are required to extend it sufficiently before its expiration date or be subject to payment of a fine.

The tourist must make sure that the terms of the contract concluded between him and the tourist company through which he submitted include securing a room in a hotel because upon departure he will be asked to prove his residency, but if the person arriving through an invitation addressed to him then resides in the place of residence of the invitation and takes action. The required accommodation and the invitee is responsible for the guest's security.

The embassy recommends that all citizens keep a passport because it is an official document that the system prescribes to preserve it and not to mortgage it for any purpose whatsoever, or to hand it over to anyone except for a responsible person who wants to see it as personal proof.

The embassy warns of the importance of registering the passport with the consular section and keeping a copy of it for necessity, and the passport can be registered by Visit this link :

Important phone numbers in Uzbekistan:

Emergency ( 1003 ) 

Phone book inquiries (1009), and international calls 00966.

The international key for receiving calls in Uzbekistan +998, and for landlines in the city of Tashkent 99812.

Local Police Office (1002).

Airport phone: 1152907.


Hurmatli fuqaro ... Mana bu muhim ko'rsatmalar:

Bir oylik turistik yashash vizasini O'zbekistonning chet ellardagi elchixonalari va konsulliklaridan olish mumkin, yashash vizasini uzaytirishni istaganlar uni amal qilish muddati tugashidan oldin etarlicha uzaytirishlari yoki jarima to'lashlari kerak.


Sayyoh u va u taqdim etgan sayyohlik kompaniyasi o'rtasida tuzilgan shartnoma shartlariga mehmonxonada xonani ajratishni ta'minlashiga ishonch hosil qilishi kerak, chunki u jo'nab ketgandan keyin uning yashash joyini tasdiqlash so'raladi, lekin agar taklifnoma bo'yicha kelgan kishi murojaat qilsa. unga keyin taklif qilingan joyda istiqomat qiladi va chora ko'radi. Kerakli turar joy va mehmon mehmonning xavfsizligi uchun javobgardir.

Elchixona barcha fuqarolarga pasportni saqlashni tavsiya qiladi, chunki tizim rasmiy hujjat bo'lib, uni saqlash va hech qanday maqsadda garovga qo'ymaslik yoki uni ko'rishni istagan mas'ul shaxs bundan mustasno. shaxsiy isboti.

Elchixona pasportni konsullik bo'limida ro'yxatdan o'tkazish va uning nusxasini kerak bo'lganda saqlash muhimligini ogohlantiradi va pasportni veb-sayt orqali ro'yxatdan o'tkazish mumkin :  


O'zbekistonda muhim telefon raqamlari:

Mahalliy politsiya idorasi (1002).

Fuqarolik mudofaasi (1001).

Favqulodda vaziyatlar (1003).

Telefon kitobi bo'yicha so'rovlar (1009) va Saudiya Arabistoniga xalqaro qo'ng'iroqlar (00966).

O'zbekistonga qo'ng'iroqlarni qabul qilish uchun xalqaro telefon kaliti +998 va Toshkent shahri telefonlari uchun 99812.

Aeroport telefoni: 1152907.