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Geographical location and area:
The Republic of Uzbekistan is located in Central Asia with an area of about 447,4 thousand square kilometers, and is bordered on the north and northwest by the Republic of Kazakhstan, on the south by the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, on the southwest by Turkmenistan, on the east by the Kyrgyz Republic and the southeast by the Republic of Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan is a landlocked, and it has a beach on the Aral Sea (Closed sea) 420 km long.
Population and main cities:
The population of Uzbekistan is more than 31 million and 25.5 thousand people (estimates of January 1, 2015 AD), and the capital Tashkent (population more than 2.3 million people) is the largest city in Central Asia, and Samarkand comes as the second largest city in Uzbekistan after the capital ( Its population is more than 500 thousand people), followed by the cities of Fergana Valley such as Namankan (450 thousand), Andijan (380 thousand), Farghanah (230 thousand), Khokand (220 thousand), as well as Bukhara (270 thousand), Nukus (275 thousand) and Qarshi (245 thousand) .
About 80% of Uzbekistan's area is desert, and there are some mountainous heights, especially in the far southeastern and northeastern tip of the country, some of which reach 4,500 meters.
the climate:
Moderate desert, hot in summer, cold in winter and semi-arid in eastern grazing areas, and the average rainfall varies between 100 mm per year in the northwest of the country and 800 mm in Tashkent region.
The language:
The Uzbek language (one of the families of the Turkish languages) is the official language, and the Uzbek language is spoken by more than 90% of the population. The Russian language is widely spoken in the capital and cities of Uzbekistan.
Jug'rofiy joylashuvi va maydoni:
O'zbekiston Respublikasi O'rta Osiyoda 447,4 ming kvadrat kilometr maydonda joylashgan bo'lib, shimoldan va shimoli-g'arbdan Qozog'iston Respublikasi bilan, janubdan Afg'oniston Islom Respublikasi bilan, janubi-g'arb bilan chegaradoshdir. sharqda Turkmaniston tomonidan, Qirg'iziston tomonidan va janubi-sharqda Tojikiston Respublikasi tomonidan, O'zbekiston esa quruqlikka chiqmagan va 420 km uzunlikdagi Orol dengizida (yopiq dengiz) plyajga ega.
Aholisi va asosiy shaharlari:
O'zbekistonning aholisi 31 milliondan 25,5 ming kishidan oshadi (ma'lumotlarga ko'ra, 2015 yil 1 yanvar), poytaxt Toshkent (2,3 milliondan ortiq aholi) O'rta Osiyodagi eng yirik shahar, Samarqand esa ikkinchi o'rinda turadi. poytaxtdan keyin O'zbekistondagi shahar (aholisi 500 ming kishidan ortiq), undan keyin Farg'ona vodiysi: Namankan (450 ming), Andijon (380 ming), Farg'ona (230 ming), Xokand (220 ming), shuningdek, Buxoro (270 ming), Nukus (275 ming) va Qarshi (245 ming).
Yer tuzilishi:
O'zbekiston hududining qariyb 80 foizini cho'l tashkil etadi va ba'zi tog'li balandliklar bor, ayniqsa mamlakatning janubi-sharqiy va shimoli-sharqiy qismida, ularning ba'zilari 4500 metrga etadi.
Mo''tadil cho'l, yozda issiq, qishda sovuq va sharqiy yaylov hududlarida yarim quruq, yog'ingarchilikning o'rtacha miqdori mamlakatning shimoli-g'arbida yiliga 100 mm va Toshkent viloyatida 800 mm orasida o'zgarib turadi.
O‘zbek tili (turkiy tillarning oilalaridan biri) rasmiy til bo‘lib, o‘zbek tilida aholining 90 foizdan ko‘prog‘i gaplashadi. Rossiya poytaxti va O'zbekiston shaharlarida keng tarqalgan.