Tuesday 3 Shawwal 1446 / 01 April 2025
عربي MOFA Call Center: 9200 1111 4

Consular services

Consular services
Consular services (visa , certifications), Services Saudi citizens
We accept all types of Application for visa from office representatives from 9- morning till 12 o’clock after noon. Application might also receive for Emergency conditions. It is to notify that data should be filled-up via Electric-Fees payable via accredited offices.
Visa section
Phone: 0097124443700. Extension (2251)
Authorized offices accredited by Enjaz company to fill data of individuals are:

1/ Almadani                024455911                Abu Dhabi         Almoror road
2/Bilad Alsham            026344166                Abu Dhabi         Passport road
3/ Agazal                       026338805            Abu Dhabi         Passport road
4/ Alkhatim                   026423300              Abu Dhabi         passport road
5/ Alfayha                      026413566            Abu Dhabi         passport road
6/ Alludes                       024466364           Abu Dhabi          Almroror road
7/ Aldura                       026416400             Abu Dhabi         Defense road
8/ Alsohail                     026411934              Abu Dhabi         Defense road
9/ Alragia                       026218877           Abu Dhabi          passport road
10/ Al-Khalifa                  037662462          Al ain
11/ Alahram                   037515580               Al ain
12/ Algriatain                  0337215289            Al Ain
13/ Alshahpa                   037217115                Al ain
14/ Alshpa                       026449878               Abu Dhabi
Hajj and Umrah offices :
   name                               phone number
   1 ALAMEEN for Hajj and Umrah   026 143 666
    2 MOADAH for Hajj and Umrah  026 342 111
    3 SADAF for Hajj and Umrah  026 320 599
    4 Mutah of Hajj and Umrah  026 763 933
    5-Manar for Hajj and Umrah  026 744 337
    6-ABDULAH Bin KARAM for Hajj and Umrah026 340 103
    7 ALTAWHEED for  Hajj and Umrah 026 324 666
    8 ALTARWEAH for Hajj and Umrah 026 411 153
    9 Marwah for Hajj and Umrah 026 215 222
   10 ALHELLAL for Hajj and Umrah 026 334 220
   11 ALBURAQ for Hajj and Umrah 025 834 820
   12 ALGUFRAN for the Hajj and Umrah 026 392 050

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