​Bilateral relations between Saudi Arabia and the Republic of Ukraine

Began the relationship between Saudi Arabia and the Republic of Ukraine in 1992, when the Kingdom has recognized the Republic of Ukraine to be the basis for the start of diplomatic relations between the two countries, and this was after the signing of the Protocol on the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries on 18/4/1993 m. According to Article VIII of this Convention, the Committee held a joint Ukrainian Arabia to date the first of three meetings in 2004, and the recent (third meeting) in the corresponding 8-9/4/2008 in the city of Riyadh. Is scheduled for the fourth meeting in the first half of the year 2011. In order to consolidate Relations between the two countries and their development in all areas were primarily the approval of Royal Decree No. 4389 / mb at 5/6/1429 H to open the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Republic of Ukraine. Accordingly, it was the opening of the Saudi Embassy in Kiev in 1430, corresponding to 2009. On October 30, 2009 AD the two foreign ministries and a memorandum of understanding in the political consultations in the city of Kiev is scheduled to hold its first meeting of the political consultations in the first half of 2011.

The most important visits between the two countries:


1. Undersecretary of the Ministry of Agriculture in the Kingdom d / Abdullah Al-Obaid 15-18/6/2010 Kiev

2. A delegation from the National Space Agency of Ukraine headed by its directorYouzhny Alexeyev 2-3/11/2010 Riyadh

3. Advisor to the Minister of Energy and Coal Ukrainian Oksana Gryshcnko 21-22/2/2011 Riyadh

4. Deputy Minister of the Kingdom of Defense Prince Khalid bin Sultan Al Saud, 19-21/4/2011 Kiev

5. Saudi Minister of Agriculture d / Fahad Balghunaim 2-5/6/2011 Kiev

6. Minister of Finance, Kingdom D / Ibrahim Al-Assaf 1-3/9/2011 Kiev

7. The Joint Commission, headed by the Minister of Transport, Kingdom of d / JabaraSuraiseri 18-20/10/2011 Kiev

8. Shura Council Speaker Dr. / Abdullah Al-Sheikh 19-21/10/2011 Kiev

9. Minister of Agriculture of Ukraine Mykola Brisejnok 21-24/11/2011 Riyadh

10. Ukrainian Foreign Minister Konstantin Gryshcnko 26-27/12/2011 Riyadh

11. Chairman of the National Bank ofUkraine Sergei Arbozv 14-15/1/2012 Riyadh


It is worth mentioning that in 2012 AD in the future will see the important visits.



Saudi Arabian Business Council - Ukraine


There have been aware of the two countries of the importance of the private sector in the development of bilateral relations between the two countries, a Memorandum of Understanding between the Council of Saudi Chambers and Ukraine to establish the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Business Council - Ukrainian and so on held 24/5/2005 AD in light of the convening of four meetings of the Business Council, which he discussed development of trade exchange and mutual visits between businessmen and holding forums and exhibitions and the establishment of joint ventures. Most recently in October of 2011.