Relations between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Republic of Uzbekistan began in 1991, and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was among the first countries that took the initiative to recognize the independence of Uzbekistan. On December 30, 1991, the Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the two countries, and on February 20, 1992 the agreement on the exchange of diplomatic missions was signed, and in the second year of Uzbekistan's independence in April 1992, His Excellency the President of Uzbekistan, Mr. Islam Karimov, paid a first official visit to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia that laid the foundation for bilateral relations. . After that, a number of visits by officials of the two countries took place, including the visit of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Prince Saud Al-Faisal - may God have mercy on him - to Uzbekistan, which also helped to enhance cooperation between the two countries. During official visits, a number of bilateral documents were signed.
In May 1995, the Embassy of Uzbekistan in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was opened. On the other hand, the Embassy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in Uzbekistan was opened in March 1997.
On the other hand, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Republic of Uzbekistan are developing their bilateral cooperation on the basis of the Framework Agreement for Cooperation in the Political, Economic, Trade, Investment, Technology, Youth and Sports Affairs, the Agreement on the Protection and Promotion of Investment and the Agreement on Avoidance of Double Taxation.
Within the framework of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's keenness to provide development aid in all countries of the world, especially the countries of the Islamic world, since 1993 the Saudi Fund for Development has supported the government of Uzbekistan with several development loans, the last of which was financing the modern rural housing project in the Karakalpakstan region, and the total provided by the fund reached Since that time 475 million Saudi riyals.
Saudiya Arabistoni Qirolligi va O'zbekiston Respublikasi o'rtasidagi munosabatlar 1991 yilda boshlangan va Saudiya Arabistoni Qirolligi O'zbekiston mustaqilligini tan olish tashabbusini ilgari surgan birinchi davlatlar qatorida bo'lgan. 1991 yil 30 dekabrda ikki mamlakat o'rtasida o'zaro anglashuv memorandumi imzolandi va 1992 yil 20 fevralda diplomatik vakolatxonalarni almashish to'g'risida bitim imzolandi va 1992 yil aprel oyida O'zbekiston mustaqilligining ikkinchi yilida janob Prezident O'zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidenti Islom Karimov ikki tomonlama munosabatlarga asos solgan Saudiya Arabistoni Podshohligiga birinchi rasmiy tashrif bilan keldi. . Shundan so'ng, ikki mamlakat rasmiylari tomonidan bir qator tashriflar amalga oshirildi, jumladan Saudiya Arabistoni Qirolligi tashqi ishlar vaziri, shahzoda Saud al-Faysalning Xudo unga marhamati bo'lsin. mamlakatlarimiz o'rtasidagi hamkorlikni rivojlantirishga yordam berdi. Rasmiy tashriflar chog'ida bir qator ikki tomonlama hujjatlar imzolandi.
1995 yil may oyida O'zbekistonning Saudiya Arabistoni Qirolligidagi elchixonasi ochildi. Boshqa tomondan, Saudiya Arabistoni Qirolligining O'zbekistondagi elchixonasi 1997 yil mart oyida ochilgan.
Boshqa tomondan, Saudiya Arabistoni Qirolligi va O'zbekiston Respublikasi siyosiy, iqtisodiy, savdo, investitsiya, texnologiya, yoshlar va sport sohalaridagi hamkorlik to'g'risidagi doiraviy bitim, ikki tomonlama hamkorlikni rivojlantirmoqda. Investitsiyalarni himoya qilish va rag'batlantirish hamda ikki tomonlama soliqdan qochishga oid bitim.
Saudiya Arabistoni Qirolligining dunyoning barcha mamlakatlarida, ayniqsa Islom dunyosidagi mamlakatlarga rivojlanishda yordam ko'rsatishga intilishi doirasida, 1993 yildan beri Saudiya taraqqiyot jamg'armasi O'zbekiston hukumatiga bir nechta rivojlanish kreditlari ajratdi. Qoraqalpog'iston viloyatida zamonaviy uy-joy qurilishi loyihasini moliyalashtirdi va jamg'arma tomonidan taqdim etilgan jami vaqtdan beri 475 million Saudiya roli.