"In dealing with
various matters and practices, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia adheres to
well-known inviolate principles from which it has never swerved, and will never
swerve, God willing. The positions it takes, whether they have to do with
foreign relations or any other matter, are built on the rules and principles of
religion. Such an approach, being derived from heavenly teachings as its source
of inspiration, admits of no falsehood."
Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Fahd and Crown Prince Abdullah
Address from Mina on Eid Al-Adha 1423 (February 10, 2003)
Geographically located at
the crossroads of the world, an economic power with a stable government and
thriving society, Saudi Arabia has come to be at the center of world
affairs because the Kingdom has not restricted its role to defending and
promoting its own national interests. As the birthplace of Islam, Saudi Arabia
holds a special place in the hearts of the one billion Muslims scattered across
the globe. Guided by principles espoused by Islam and rooted in its rich Arab
heritage, Saudi Arabia has, over the decades, successfully assumed the growing
responsibility associated with that status.
For a nation built on Islamic principles, upholding Islam and protecting
Islamic interests was the cornerstone of Saudi foreign policy under King
Abdulaziz. Today, Saudi Arabia is a nation whose views are actively sought by
global powers looking for a better understanding of Islamic and Arab issues.
The Kingdom's diplomacy is considered a central factor in averting crises. Its
mediation is solicited to resolve disputes that, if unchecked, could have
reverberations far beyond the region.
Out of such concerns, Saudi Arabia began to assume an active role in
international organizations. As a founding member of the United Nations, Saudi
Arabia has steadily increased its participation in that organization.
During the 20th century, Saudi Arabia emerged as a unified nation and became a
socioeconomic and political world leader. Guided by a foreign policy that
focuses on Arab unity, Islamic solidarity and peaceful coexistence, Saudi
Arabia is in the new millennium a strong advocate of peace, security and
constructive cooperation throughout the world.