Home page Latest News list All News RSS RSS His Excellency the Chargé d'Affaires, Mr. Majid bin ... His Excellency the Chargé d'Affaires, Mr. Majid bin Abdul Rahman Al-Otaibi, held a reception at the embassy at the Royal embassy of Saudi Arabia in New Delhi in honour of the Cultural Attaché, the health employment ... H.E. Mr. Majed Al-Otaibi ,Charge d’affaires of the ... H.E. Mr. Majed Al-Otaibi ,Charge d’affaires of the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia in India Inaugurated the first batch of Hajj pilgrims departing for the Kingdom on board Saudi Airlines from New Delhi and Northern ... H.E charge d’affairs, Mr. Majed Alotaibi received Hon’ble ... H.E charge d’affairs, Mr. Majed Alotaibi received Hon’ble Minister of state for Minority Affairs Mr. John Barla. They discussed bilateral relations between the two friendly countries. H.E. Mr. Majed A. Al-Otaibi, Chargé d' affaires of ... H.E.Mr.Majed A.Al-Otaibi,Chargé d'affairesof the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia, Inaugurates the first flight of Haj pilgrims from New Delhi and Northern Indian region. It was organizedat the IGI airport in New Delhi ... 91st Saudi National Day 2021The Royal Embassy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia celebrated the 91st National Day at the Embassy‘s premises in New Delhi in the presence of chief guest Mr. V. Muraleedharan, Minister of State for External Affairs ... Electronic Services Visas Saudi citizens Mission's head Dr. Saud Mohammed Alsati Biography Contact head mission Embassy Services Instructions Visa and Legalization Services Instructions The mission's location All News Latest Embassy News His Excellency the Chargé d'Affaires, Mr. Majid bin Abdul Rahman Al-Otaibi, held a reception at the Royal embassy of Saudi Arabia in New Delhi on 14th June, 2022.H.E. Mr. Majed Al-Otaibi ,Charge d’affaires of the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia in India Inaugurated the first batch of Hajj pilgrims departing for the Kingdom. H.E charge d’affairs, Mr. Majed Alotaibi received Hon’ble Minister of state for Minority Affairs Mr. John Barla. More Important Links Ministry of Foreign AffairsContact The EmbassySaudi Nationals Request for AssistanceComplaints and SuggestionsPremium Residency In Saudi Arabia Embassy Newsletter Email * Numbers in picture * Can't read the numbers? Try another picture Write the numbers shown in the picture